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Showing posts from May, 2020

Picture(esque) MOMents

1652. That is the number of photos and videos that have been taken on my phone since March 13, 2020. That was the first day I spent at home as a full-time admissions director while ALSO being a  SAHM, cleaning lady, bed & breakfast coordinator, and overall paparazzi. It's just me, my kids, and my iPhone camera, all day/every day. I feel like my days are consumed by finding a way to work side-by-side by 1 and 2 year old children who are playing, eating, kvetching, and getting 2 inches from my face to show me something. One is learning how to walk while the other one has learned how to manipulatively talk. It's beautiful and chaotic and scary all at the same time. We are on our second week of watching Frozen - once per day - and I'm not going to lie, it's a breathtaking departure from Cocomelon and Sesame Street. I love Disney - this movie was created for experiences like this. I start my days by asking my daughter if she wants to build a snowman  and she is insta